Tuesday, May 8, 2018

       The Psychology of Winning
The 10 Qualities of a Total Winner

Quality 1:  Positive Self-Expectancy 
"Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."
    This quote is saying how life has a purpose to why we are here as humans beings in my saying. every winner expects to win. But it always does not end up happening when you are in a competition you have to try hard in order to do your very best and take on the win. without giving it your hardest try you will fail to win and then you ask yourself why you haven't won't anything because you didn't out the effort or time to take that win you were badly expecting for

Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation 

"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."
    This quote is saying how a true winner had to go through hard times in order to achieve where he is right now. but while achieving those scores he also had to feat some challenges that got in his way but also got to learn new skills. When you challenge yourself as a person you have to motivate yourself in order to achieve your get somewhere. pushing yourself. but while learning to do something so good you get to learn from your mistakes but mostly you get to learn new skills you never seen but mostly new opportunities are opened when you have motivation to do the things you love or enjoy to do. but believing in yourself that you are capable of doing and achieving something. 

Quality 3: Positive Self-Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.
 This quote is saying how when you see yourself you are a winner you know exactly how much you are worth. how you see up yourself shows weather you will be positive or a negative person.  something we can do about this is show people what exactly your self image is and could be to show these people that they are wrong when they judge you as a person they themselves don't even know. 

Quality 4: Positive Self-Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.
 This quote is saying how we decide our own path and where we want to go. without following or wanting to do the same things as our friends or family we ourselves make the future we would like to have but also by doing right and seeing where we are being led. Everyone has different perspective on what they would like to do. but something that we should not leave out is our motivation sometimes we rely on others to motivate you when you yourself can't motivate yourself. 

Quality 5: Positive Self-Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.
 Winners who make sacrifices tend to achieve more when they tend to get their stuff done within a good timing of time. being lazy towards your own goal can be very harsh when you clearly have certain goal set for yourself 

Quality 6: Positive Self-Discipline
You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.
 When being a lazy person with no goal you tend to lack off a lot but their will always be someone to discipline you if you aren't doing it with yourself then others will do it for you. True winner or people that want to succeed will put a limit to themselves when they aren't doing something right they will discipline themselves if they have to in order to achieve your goal you have to set some boundaries 
Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.
 Some people have some bad moods that they tend not to spend anytime with anyone else true winners will always have a positive mood that they will all seem so happy they they bring positive vibes when they have different people around them. 

Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.
Winners  who like to succeed they tend to always do what's presented to them at the moment they never tend to think about the future or the pass they like to handle the business at the moment 
Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
winners have a mindset that they will succeed if they believe that they can but also knowing how to handle the business when it comes to do all the work themselves they don't want to put lots of pressure to they take their time to get there stuff done in a mannerly way 

Quality 10: Positive Action
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other
positive action may come in many different ways they consider others feeling as theirs . they are always with you when you need something they are giving you their positive vibes just by being their with you and supporting you. they are their to motivate you when you are going through something and you need that little motivation to push you to the end 

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