Wednesday, November 12, 2014


                VERTERANS DAY
Veterans Day, which the U.S. is marking today, commemorates the end of World War I. In Europe, they call it Armistice Day, and these photographs are of celebrations in London in the form of red ceramic poppies that cover the ground around the Tower of former colonies who died in the war. London. There's a poppy for every member of Britain's
Reflection: The dead, we have a separate holiday specifically purpose, Memorial Day. That's the day when we honor all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation, including my many brave and love able people. Veterans Day is about honoring those who answered, and served with honor, when our nation was at war and called. It's a day to thank all who served, in war and peace, everyone who took the oath and put on the uniform of our armed services.

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