Thursday, November 20, 2014

       Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is a particularly American holiday. The word evokes images of football, family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, pumpkin pie and, of course, the Pilgrims and  As with Native traditions in America, celebrations  complete with merrymaking and feasting -in England and throughout a successful crop are as ancient as the harvest-time itself. In 1621, when their labors Europe after were rewarded with a bountiful harvest after a year of sickness and scarcity, the Pilgrims gave thanks to God and celebrated His bounty in the Harvest Home tradition with feasting and sport the acknowledged founders of the feast.
I am thankful for……..
1. My family
2. My friends
3. for my family to be healthy
4. To always have food in my house
5. To have a house and clothes
6 to have a phone 12 thing I am thankful for are
 7 to have good friends
8. To have people to help me when I need help
9. To have a bed in which I sleep in everyday
10. for my mom to have money to buy me clothes
11. To have food on the day of thanksgiving and to be with my family

12. To be a daurgter with my mom and to always help her around the house when she needs help.

Reflection* i think that thanksgiving is a great time to spend with your family to not fight and it to be peaceful to talk with your family what you are thankful and to just eat with your family.

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