The 9 Ways to be Happy And make Something Of Your Life 
1 Being Grateful Being grateful is one of the most important thing to us being without being grateful we wouldn't be anything in life. Being grateful is when they give you something you have to appreciate because if not you wouldn't have it. Being grateful for example is thanksgiving you have to be grateful for the things you have for your family and friends because they are still there with you. But mostly be grateful foe what you have because others other there may not have what you have some may be poor or hungry and you being ungrateful when someone out there in the world would be grateful for it. Grateful come from your heart wanting to apprentice what they are giving you
2.Be Smart
Being smart makes you want to do smart decisions within yourself and others. but also knowing how to use your smart when they are telling you different things. Also using your smartness means to help someone else that needs help.
3.Be Involved Being involved means to interact with others being involved with the community but also being involved with school and helping out through school interacting with other being helpful other way of being involved is volunteering to work . There's many different ways of being involved
4.Be clean being clean is something everyone should do because it is very important to be organized because it is important to stay clean at all time also being clean makes you responsible. being clean is very important is because is helps you be straight up with other and also being clean can have many different meanings. but also it can help you stay very responsible
5.Be true being true is very important in our everyday life because being to to yourself and other comes very handed when someone may need you you have to be true with others.Being true is like opening up to others but also shows you who you really are when you are being true to yourself and other also you don't want others to see you as a liar for not telling the truth being truth makes you unique with yourself
6.Be Positivebeing positive is very important in our everyday life being positive with yourself makes you do things that you thought you wouldn't but also being positive with others is very important because your seeing the good thing there is while seeing someone else do something also something very important is showing a positive smile to others that way they know that your showing some positivist to them another way of showing positive is doing something nice within yourself and others showing them that you care. but most important is being around positive people
7. Humble
being humble means to be nice to everyone respect everyone around you and when something doesn't go as right it means to stay calm and humble humble also means to reach out to those that need help seeing that you care could mean staying humble also putting others first then yourself could show a lot of humble also when someone is indeed of someone to talk to that can mean to stay humble and hearing them out when it is needed
8. Be still
be still means to stay still when there problems to stay down and just let it go. But it could also mean to stay quiet when something is being said. being still could save you of lots of problems when really you just want to stay still.
9. Be prayerful
being prayerful could have many different meanings for example to be grateful for something you have. But also is could mean to have a different belief. Having a belief is when you believe on something . Also it could mean to having to pray for something for example when someone who passes away you pray for them or also you could pray for really much anything.
out of the 9 ways it shows us how to be clean how to be humble to be still it shows us the different ways to be a better person to be caring and to show respect to one another. but also a huge one is to be grateful for what you have. out of the nine ways this taught me to respect my elders to be kind ful her but to be grateful for who and what i have in my life.
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