Friday, February 23, 2018

                   Pyramid Of Success  

"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."

Reflection: To me by "Industriousness" he means to be a hard worker but also to work hard for what you want but to push yourself in wanting to become a better person.  

2. Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

Reflection. They are the ones that cause the rest of the pyramid to properly function. When there is Enthusiasm and Industriousness, there will be results you want to see. these two hold on two the pyramid.

3. Friendship

"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

Reflection: Having friends and making new friendships can really boost your chance to become a more successful person but having a couple of good friends 

4. Loyalty"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

Reflection: I think that this "brick" plays a huge role in keeping the pyramid in a good structure.

Block 5: Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "

This quote is saying how to listen to someone if your own voice wants to be heard. to listen closely to someone that wants to be heard you have to give them the same respect they are giving you. but also being interested in finding the best way to find something out is if you put your interest in something and give it your all in it but also not wanting to do it your own way. be kind helps a lot in becoming a better person. 

Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)

     Noble goals is to achieve any goal you have your mind set on knowing you could achieve that goal is what makes you want to push yourself in order to reach that goal. wanting to achieve an goal may sometimes become or get difficult when wanting to reach that goal because sometimes we have to overcome any obstetrical  that get o our way in order to complete or reach that specific goal we have.but also having noble goals they have to be good specific  goals on that later in the future its gone benefit you. 

Block 7: Self-Control

"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
   This quote is explaining how practicing self discipline and keeping emotions under control could help us in the ling run. But also it makes us look like a better person. Good judgement represents us in many ways on how we act with ourselves and with others.  These both we have to pay close attention to them to show others that we are a kind respectful person. this also helps us make friends and be nice to one another. 

Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

This quote is explaining how being an observing person constantly makes you an open minded person on many different things but everyday we learn how to improve on ourselves. practice makes better but observing things helps in many ways. for example when someone is teaching and you are observing you get to learn the process of the person teaching and once you get to do it yourself you learn the practice and if not understood you get to improve on what you didn't understand. 

Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
This quote is saying to never be afraid of failure or a mistake but to learn from what you got wrong so that way later when you retake it you know that soon you will make better progress. but also learning the decisions you are taking when doing something you ain't just gone go and make a dumb decision 

Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
This quote is explains to us to set a real goal that one day we will be able to reach but to also to overcome any obstacles that come in the way of accomplishing that goal. but to always push yourself when achieving that goal. to push yourself even when things get tough or its to complicated not just because your lazy your gone stop achieving that goal you have to learn how to make  things right when wanting to achieve that specific goal

Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)
This quote is saying how we all need and have at least two the three close friends that we truly have. Its called a real friendship when you truly deeply trust them with anything or that's the person you guys say everything to the one to help you and be there when you are indeed of someone. that is what a friendship is called. Helping one another on things supporting  them but mostly being there with them. Although we all have couple of friends that just are as true as they say they are . those are the people you mostly have to be careful with we ourselves may not see it but they are closer to us then we think. That's why its always good to just talk the closets friend you trust the most. 

Block 12: Adaptability
  This word can have many different meaning. But adaptability means to being able to adapt to something new in your life or something new that has a new beginning. Being able to keep up with it shows a lot on how you are taking the process well enough. Also saying how if you had a plan a but didn't work out and you have a plan b it eus the adaptability on how you are working for it and how you are moving to work on it.

Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
This quote is saying that we should stay concern about our physical health and how we should be exercising every single day in order to live a long health life. Not only should we take care of our body but our minds how we should keep it open minded but teach it to function well enough to get what we need

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
   This quote is explaining how everyone has the ability to move properly and being quick if we know how to use it correctly and how we use it. also knowing how to be prepare for something that you are not fully aware of. covering every detail may mean many different things. just knowing how to use it properly with help you a lot with many things in life if you learn to use it correctly

Block 15:  Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

This quote is saying how to always take in consideration to others feelings to always be there when they need you the most but also it take time and sacrifice for the person that you are taking in consideration. But it also depends on the person your just not gone go outta of your way for someone that you don't know. But it is always nice to take in consideration of there feelings to. be there to comfort them when they are in need of someone to talk to or to just vent to someone.

Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
This quote is saying how being honest is the best policy rule there is. it is always important to be honest with someone no matter if you do not know that person. being honest is more better then lieing to someone about something that isn't true. 

Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
 “Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)

"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
This quote is saying to strike for your goal mo matter how hard it is. it always good to push yourself no matter through what you are going through youre mind has to be set on that goal. if its something you always dreamed of and you have to opportunity to take it go for it give it your all 

Block 18: Poise

"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
This quote is saying to be yourself in a way that no one else can be to show to others who you really are expressing your feelings. being yourself and being honest on who you truly are shows so much about a person. but mostly showing that you can be a caring responsible person just by showing who you really are. 

 Block 19: Confidence 
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
This quote is saying how preparing yourself for anything shows how confidence you can be if you know exactly what you are doing and not leaving it for the last minute. being confidence can show so much how a person is preparing themselves and making a fool of themselves.

Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
reliability is knowing that someone can count with you in anything and that they have trust in you. this is a good feeling knowing that you are being trusted by others. its knowing that you are being responsible with your actions and with you caring for the other person. but also knowing that you are there to support them and that you are there to listen to them to let there feelings lose. 

Block 21: Fight (determined effort)
Fight can have many different ways ins saying but fight is putting up with a challenge but also pushing yourself when you think you arent able to achieve what you wanted. having the mindset to always put up a fight can help you over come anything hard that gets in your way. 

Block 22: Competitive Greatness

" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
being your best is when you learn from your mistakes in order to become the best. being your best shows a lot. being your best helps you overcome many obstacles. working hard for something you like is doing your best when your close to achieve it . sometimes we tend to under estimate ourselves when we believe that we cant do it. 

Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
This quote is saying every person has to be strong but to also have strong moral principles. We all have to go or been through faces where we have to be strong no matter what is coming for us. sometimes we as people can all have a weak spot. were sometimes we are scared to be strong and face up to it. but we have to stay strong to get through whatever we are facing but also a big on is have strong morals is having to know what exactly we have face or will face. aslo letting others help you through the way even when you might think that you don't need any help. it's always good to have a second head inorder to do something right.

Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
This quote is saying how if we believe we can achieve anything we believe we can do. Sometimes believing can be hard when we don't even believe in ourselves. Then it's hard to believe we can achieve that or this. Having positive beliefs can change a person in believing that they can achieve the impossible but only if we believe that we can do it and if we put our time and effort into it. 

Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
Patience is something we all may have or may not have. Having patience can really show the type of person you really are. An example would be working with kids. Working with kids can have and take lots of patience when handling them. Some people don't have any patience for anything. They get frustrated fast or annoyed easily. 

This final reflection is learning something new that we didn't know, all these words are base off our beliefs and how we have to be patient with things that surround our everyday life. This was letting us know that life can be hard but that there are many ways to enjoy it. This also teaches us how to be a responsible person but most of all how to be a honest person and to challenge yourself as a person. It also taught us that when something gets hard or any obstacles were to get in out way to push yourself in order to accomplish what you have been wanting to achieve. Lastly this pyramid has showed me many ways to achieve any accomplishment but most importantly to have faith that i can do something i thought i wasn't capable of trying.