Friday, January 30, 2015

                         Ben Carson 
*Born in slums of Detroit, in deep poverty
*His mother and father divorced 
*His mother came from a family of 24 children 
*His mother couldn't read
*His mother raised Ben and his brother, Curtis
*Ben was the worst student in his  grade school class 
* Ben  becomes top student in his high school 
*becoBen mes a world renowned doctor 

        Student Success Statement 
   A Choice: Poverty or Prosperity\
                '' i hate poverty 
             Poverty is more of a
            choice than anything 
            else, and i can change
            that(poverty).It depends 
            upon how hard i want to
            work, and i decided that 

                 i would change it''
                  Dr. Ben Carson 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

        Students Success Statement 

Never, because 
 ''You cant be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right''.
   Thomas S. Monson  

Refection: i think he is trying to tell us to always do right no matter what and yes sometimes you could be doing wrong but to always try your best no matter what 
                      Eastern Medicine Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities:  medicine practitioners use forms of acupuncture and treatment through the Chinese . Oriental medicine treats a variety of ailments including headaches, back pain, arthritis, or other illnesses by identifying patterns of imbalance within a body’s energy levels and working to readjust fluids or tissues in order to keep the body in balance and relieve pain.

Salary: $61,000 per year

Education: Bachelor’s degree and certification

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Reflection: I would like to be one why/ because it seems interesting and they win a lot of money 

Monday, January 26, 2015

      Student Success Statement
                                   ‘’Enthusiasm makes the difference’’.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

 Refection: I think this is trying to tell us to do the right thing and if we do what’s right we could make a difference and do thing that is right for us to do. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

             Student Success Statement
''i wasnt trying to leave to a legacy. i was trying to do what was right''

Dean smith 

reflection i think this quote is trying to tell us to always right because he got what he deserve because he never choose the wrong he always did whats was right for him to do
             Career  Research
                                (social worker)

Duties and Responsibilities: Social workers work with people to support them through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults are safeguarded from harm. Their role is to provide support to enable service users to help themselves. They maintain professional relationships with service users.
Salary: Average salary
A social worker's median salary is $46,253 and maximum social worker salaries top out at over $60,000**

Education : In order for you to become a social worker it is usually required to have earned a Master’s degree.

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Reflection: I want to be a Social worker because it  interests me into becoming one, and they get paid well and I had experienced it once and I like the way they be helping family that are having difficult with their kids or they be helping people that need help 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Student Success Statement 
''its not about how to achieve your dreams.Its about how to lead your life. If you lead  your life right way, the karma destiny fortune good luck will take care of itself. the dreams will come to you.''
  dr randy pausch
             Ear, Nose and throat
                   (ENT) Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: , sometimes referred to an ENT doctors, deal with ailments of the ears, nose and throat.

Salary:9,0000 to 10,0000

Children’s Health is the only academic health care facility in North Texas dedicated exclusively to the comprehensive care of children.

Reflection:i wouldnt like to be one because i just dont like it 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Phone tips

  • ·        When you have to type and instead of going back and forth you can hold on the 123 button and you can select what category you can go to, to text.
  • ·        To add a period and a space when you’re finished with your sentence you can double tape on the space button and it do it on its own and save time.
  • ·        To undo a text you can shake your iPhone and the options pop up to delete or undo.
  • ·        In setting there is a stop playing and you can activate it when you’re listening to music when you’re about to fall asleep it automatically stops so then your wont have to drain your battery when you’re sleeping.
  • ·        Also if you put it in vibrate and instead of making the noise that you got a notification you can turn on the LED light so it could show you that you got a notification.
  • ·        Also if you want to take a picture you can use the volume buttons on your phone or head.phones

Phone tips

  • ·        When you have to type and instead of going back and forth you can hold on the 123 button and you can select what category you can go to, to text.
  • ·        To add a period and a space when you’re finished with your sentence you can double tape on the space button and it do it on its own and save time.
  • ·        To undo a text you can shake your iPhone and the options pop up to delete or undo.
  • ·        In setting there is a stop playing and you can activate it when you’re listening to music when you’re about to fall asleep it automatically stops so then your wont have to drain your battery when you’re sleeping.
  • ·        Also if you put it in vibrate and instead of making the noise that you got a notification you can turn on the LED light so it could show you that you got a notification.
  • ·        Also if you want to take a picture you can use the volume buttons on your phone or headphones.
              student success statement
“Every time I've done something that doesn’t feel right, it has ended up not being right.”

Mario Cuomo

Reflection: What this quote means is that if you’re about to do something and it do feel like you’re going to do the right don’t do it 
                                                  Electrocardiograph Technician
Duties and responsibilities:  An electrocardiograph technician defines procedures to heart patients and attaches electrodes in order to prepare them for required EKG tests. These electrodes are therefore attached to an EKG machine for the purpose of measuring hearts electrical impulses. The computer screen shows the activity of the patient and thus a printout of it is taken out to analyze and conclude the results.

Salary:  $34,385

Education:  Certificate may be required by employers; available through the American Board of Cardiovascular Per-fusion, American Society of Lobotomy Technicians and American Certification Agency for Healthcare Professionals. Required education they have to have a Certificate in EKG technology is common; some enter the field with a high school diploma and on the job training.


Reflection: What this career shows you is that it checks people that have heart problems and sees what kind of treatment they are going to need also they input some electrodes to see the rate of their heart how it’s going.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

               Student Success Statement 

''Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education''
Martin Luther King Jr.
  Refection i think this is trying to tell us to stay positive and education comes first over anything because if you saty in school you will be someone in life. 

                Registered Dietitian
Duties and responsibilities: A registered dietitian is a food and nutrition expert who has met the minimum academic and professional requirements to qualify for the credential "RD."

Salary: $55,240 to $77,590.

Education: Many of you seem to be in the same boat that I was in 2009 — after getting an unrelated undergraduate degree and years of office work in an unrelated field, you’ve decided you want to make a career out of nutrition.

Reflection:  I would not like to become one because it does not look like a job I would be interested in becoming.