cranial therapy
Duties and responsibilities:was pioneered and developes a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
Salary they win 40,000 to 90,000
Massage therapy careers have grown in prevalence and popularity in recent years, and for good reason. As health care costs soar, more people are looking for innovative and less expensive options for their medical concerns, such as aches and pains as well as conditions like depression and anxiety. As massage therapy gains more credibility in the health care field, massage therapists may find an influx of
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Reflection i woyuld not like to be one
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Student success statement
Student Success Statement
''Be cool in school---live every rule.''
Mr. Haymore
reflection: i think that this is trying to tell us that we should do in school and to always be have good grades and if its to hard to keep trying adn to never give to always try our best that we know that we have something talented inside something of us to never give up even if its to hard
''Be cool in school---live every rule.''
Mr. Haymore
reflection: i think that this is trying to tell us that we should do in school and to always be have good grades and if its to hard to keep trying adn to never give to always try our best that we know that we have something talented inside something of us to never give up even if its to hard
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
student success statement
'' the best recreation is to do good.''
william penn
reflection; i think that this quote is trying to tell us that to alwyas try hard to never give up and to alwts be good theat even thoe we do bad we could try to pick are selfs up that we could keep trying really hard and that we could alwys try hard and will always try hard and do good at school and even when we are out of school we should always do are best and try hard
'' the best recreation is to do good.''
william penn
reflection; i think that this quote is trying to tell us that to alwyas try hard to never give up and to alwts be good theat even thoe we do bad we could try to pick are selfs up that we could keep trying really hard and that we could alwys try hard and will always try hard and do good at school and even when we are out of school we should always do are best and try hard
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Duties and responsibilities: Integrative Yoga Therapy is
a pioneer and leader in training Yoga professionals who can bring the ancient
insights of Yoga into mainstream wellness programs. Our programs are based on a
vision of health as a unity of body, mind and spirit.
Salary:$36,900 to
Education: To be a yoga teacher you have to have a diploma and have to
preform in all classes they are telling you to perform or else
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Reflection: I would like to be one why? Because you are
helping people lose wighet and you are also showing them new ways to
excrise and also I would like to be one
why because your showing how to do the steps
Monday, October 20, 2014
Duties and responsibilities: This is. The Clinical Manager
provides leadership and services to patients in a works with the health care
team to coordinate with the medical providers to provide health care services.
Salary: $46k to $59k
Education:Clinical managers, a type of medical and health
services manager, work as managers in both administrative and medical
capacities to ensure that the establishment for which they work runs smoothly.
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Reflection: I would not like to be one why because I don’t like
that I would like to be something eles
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Color therapy
Duties and responsibilities: He believed
that colors represent chemical potencies in higher octaves of vibration, and
for each organism and system of the body there is a particular color that stimulates
and another that the work of that organ
or system.
Salary: 50,000 to 70,000
Education: if
you wanted to be in any class to the color therapy you would have to pay $200,000
for the class to learn about the color therapy
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Reflection: I would not like to be one. Why? Because it’s
too much work
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Duties and Responsibilities: Chiropractors practice
chiropractic, a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment
and prevention of system and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractors
emphasize manual and manipulative therapy for the treatment of joint
dysfunctions. Chiropractic is generally classified as complementary/b alternativeis
a degree for chiropractors in North America.
Salary:60000 to 90000
Education:you have to earn a D.C to be a chiropractor in life
and you also have to be in collage and have good grades
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Reflection: I would like to be one that way when ever people
need help am there to help them with anything
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Police Officer
Duties and responsibilities: police officer are responsible
to take care of people and keep the bad away. The officers often train to get
stronger and to run faster so that when they get a crime they get them quick so
that way they wont run away and to keep doing bad stuff.
Salary: 4,0000 to 9,0000
Education: They have to stay in school and get good grades to
be a officer and to do good they also have to have a diploma and go to collge
and then they start to train them and little by little they start getting good.
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Reflection: I would love to be a girl officer why because
your stoping the crime in the world and your helping other people
Monday, October 6, 2014
Chinese (oriental) Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: TCM theory and practice are
not based upon the body of knowledge related to health, disease, and health
care that has been widely accepted by the scientific communit
Education: For the past six years, Pacific College of Oriental
Medicine as part of the Illinois Acupuncture Federation and in collaboration
with the Illinois State Medical Society .
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Reflection: I would not like to be one. why because it is boring and its not my type
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Duties and Responsibilities: cellular which Cellular material
is injected patient. And it releases waste prouduct. the reaction involes respartion
Salary:67,0000 to 79,0000
You have to have a high school dimploma to joined the cellular therapy and have to study and practice what you have
to learn
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Reflection: I would not like to be one because its to much
work I wold rather be a nurse because your helping people that need help
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